Wednesday, October 22, 2008

No time with 2 under 2.....

Well, as all of you may have noticed that I have not posted in a LONG time! I am so sorry about that. Time flys with 2 children under the age of 2. With work, the house, Jaxon and Jaylee there is no time for anything else. So, here is a long update on the Campbell Family.

Since July......

JMan trying to play with his sister.


Aunt Beezer came to visit! It was so great to have her to live life with us! She got to see first hand how crazy our life is! JMan LOVES to be read to. He will sit for hours and listen to you read especially if you read him his Willie the Wildcat book.

We ventured to K-State's 1st home football game with BOTH kids! Josh & I were WORN out after such a long day! Needless to say that WON'T be doing that again. Jaxon sure did enjoy it though. Jaylee basically slept the whole day except to eat. Go figure. :o)

Mommy & JMan enjoying the game!

Jaxon LOVES the camera. He is such a happy kid!

Jaylee playing! She loves her mat.

Cousin Taylor giving Jaylee a kiss! How cute!

Jaxon and cousin Taylor playing with her farm animals. They had so much fun!

Wednesday, July 9, 2008

Jaylee Diane....

She arrived on her own at 3:45 pm on July 4th. She weighed 8lbs. 5 oz. and was 20 in. long. She is living up to her birthday in being "a little firecracker." She definitely has her own personality already, miss independent.
As you can see, Jaxon thinks shes the best thing ever! He hasn't quite got the concept that she is ours to keep. He doesn't understand that he has to share mommy and daddy.
We are all home now. Daddy is off work for the rest of the week which is so nice for us to spend quality time together. Jaxon still goes to daycare everyday so that he still stays in his normal routine. Also, he gets to have his own time being spoiled. (Sharlene, his daycare provider, adores him and gives him her undivided attention.) More pictures and updates to come.....

Thursday, July 3, 2008

Jman loves the water....

This past weekend Jaxon finally go to have his first swimming experience in his pool he got for his birthday. We finally had a weekend where it was not raining and the wind was not blowing 90 miles an hour. As you can see you had a blast. He did not last very long because his attention span is limited but we enjoyed the little time we spent outside. Hopefully after his little sister gets here we will still have some time to enjoy the pool.

She's STILL not here.....

Today we were scheduled to have our C-Section but unfortunately I received a phone call after 8 pm last night letting me know they had cancelled it. They informed me that they had to move it to Saturday morning. So, we will be patient for a couple more days in order to meet our beautiful little girl. The upside is that I get to enjoy the fireworks! We will keep all of you posted. Stay tuned!

Sunday, June 15, 2008

Long time no post.........

Since our last post many things have occurred.

We traveled to Arkansas to see Jaxon's great grandma. It was such a joy to spend mothers day with her. Jaxon was a celebrity on her block, all the ladies kept coming in and out to enjoy him.

Jaxon finally got baptized on May 18, 2008 at St. Isidore's Catholic Church by Father Keith. Father Keith baptized mommy too. Jessie & Brian Bloyd are Jaxon's godparents. We are pleased that they accepted the responsibility.

Jaxon continues to get into everything. His newest thing is to try pulling up to everything. Even though his crawl is not the norm he still is quick. My belly is growing tremendously which makes it hard to chase him around. My scheduled c-section is for 10 am on July 3, 2008 unless she decides to come early. We will keep you posted.

Tuesday, May 6, 2008

Campbell Chaos....

Well as you can tell by the title, our life is full of chaos (or what feels like chaos because there seems to be no order to our lives)!
I am busy with work trying to get things organized before I go on maternity leave (tentatively July 3) with summer fast approaching this is not an easy task. I also have to prepare for little girl since it is less than 8 weeks away. On the home front, Jaxon is growing like a weed and is into everything (still army crawling) but continues to be happy as a lark. Jaxon really has taken on eating real food and drinking whole milk. He loves anything we can get small enough so he can get it mashed up in his mouth since he hasn't cut a tooth yet. We have been told that down syndrome children cut teeth in no order and at no certain time frame. It feels as though we have been teething for a year now. Josh has been busy with work and he started spinal decompression therapy 3 days a week for his back injury that happened early this fall. So, needless to say we see less of him than we did before. We look forward to the days he has off so that Jaxon and I can catch him up on all of our fun adventures for the week.
About pictures:
*On the left- Jaxon's response to his baby sister when she kicked him.
*Middle- is sweet Jaxon when he was trying to wake daddy one night.
*On the right- Jaxon being his silly self at his Aunt Leanies- photo taken by Jesse Adams

Tuesday, April 22, 2008

Cousin Love.......

As you can tell my niece Taylor is in love with Jaxon. He is all she talks about. In fact, she carries a picture of him around where ever she goes. So, when she came up for Jaxon's birthday party we took both of them to get their pictures taken. It was a blast. The photographer at Sears was amazing with both of them. She truly made the experience enjoyable. These two pictures are just a snapshot of all the great pictures we got from that day. Jaxon had so much fun playing with Taylor while she was here. It's a shame that she lives so far away from us that the times they get to spend together will be slim. Cousins really should be close.

Friday, April 4, 2008

One Years Old.....

WOW! Can't believe the time is here. Seems like just yesterday he was still in my belly. I guess time really does fly when your having fun. We had a rough day on our actual birthday, it was time for shots. In Manhattan, on their one year checkup they have to get their blood drawn as well of a round of shots. To start off the appointment, Jaxon didn't gain any weight since his last checkup and his pediatrician thought we need to check his thyroid. So, he added more tests to be run which came back negative. Needless to say, when we took him to the lab to get his blood drawn even the lab tech didn't want to take as much blood from Jaxon as the doctor had requested, it was that much. Jaxon had a great day anyways. His birthday party and baptism was scheduled for March 30, 2008 and we had to cancel the baptism. Jaxon woke up two nights prior with a high fever and had the worst couple of days. Life just wasn't going our way. Jaxon is on an antibiotic and seems to be happier than ever.

Sunday, March 9, 2008

11 months and growing....

Jaxon hasn't started crawling but definitely gets around with his army crawl. He goes from one toy that makes noise to the other until he wears himself out. Daddy and I think if he could just figure out how to use his knees he would realize things were so much easier. But leave it up to our kid to want to do everything the hard way... he is as stubborn as his mom and dad. He loves to eat and definitely loves trying "big kid" food. He loves to bounce in his jumperoo. In fact, he does nothing but giggle when he is in it. He has a smile on his face at all times. As always, he is a joy to be around. He has started to play with mommies belly. He pats it or tries tickling it. I think he senses things are going to change around our house. Wish we could see all of you soon.

Friday, February 15, 2008

It's a girl......

On January 15, 2008, we went in for our sonogram and amnio. It definitely is a girl! On January 29, 2008, Dr. Gros (my OBGYN) called me at work to give us the good news that she is healthy and does not have down syndrome. Josh and I would have been just as happy either way. Josh and I are excited to meet her.

Friday, January 18, 2008

Happy New Year

We are excited for the new year. 2007 was a true roller coaster, lots of ups and downs. We started out the year finding out that our first baby had down syndrome. Josh and I feel truly blessed to have been picked to have such an amazing child. On March 25, 2007, Jaxon was born. He has been such a joy. In early May, he started sleeping through the night. He is always happy. In early October, Josh hurt his back (hemorrhaged disc) while bending over to pick up his bowling ball. After a long road of recovery, he went back to work the first week in January. Then in early November, Josh and I found out that we were expecting. Jaxon will be a big brother in early June. It came as a surprise but feel it will be good for Jaxon. We are excited to share our family through this blog with all of you.