Wednesday, October 22, 2008

No time with 2 under 2.....

Well, as all of you may have noticed that I have not posted in a LONG time! I am so sorry about that. Time flys with 2 children under the age of 2. With work, the house, Jaxon and Jaylee there is no time for anything else. So, here is a long update on the Campbell Family.

Since July......

JMan trying to play with his sister.


Aunt Beezer came to visit! It was so great to have her to live life with us! She got to see first hand how crazy our life is! JMan LOVES to be read to. He will sit for hours and listen to you read especially if you read him his Willie the Wildcat book.

We ventured to K-State's 1st home football game with BOTH kids! Josh & I were WORN out after such a long day! Needless to say that WON'T be doing that again. Jaxon sure did enjoy it though. Jaylee basically slept the whole day except to eat. Go figure. :o)

Mommy & JMan enjoying the game!

Jaxon LOVES the camera. He is such a happy kid!

Jaylee playing! She loves her mat.

Cousin Taylor giving Jaylee a kiss! How cute!

Jaxon and cousin Taylor playing with her farm animals. They had so much fun!

1 comment:

Hadleigh Jo said...

Oh my gosh! Jaxon is getting so big! And crawling and even standing in the first pic? Wowsers! Thanks for updating...we DO check in from time to time:-)